Care navigation is about getting the right care by the right person. GP services are offering their patients some alternatives to having a GP appointment, if it is suitable for them. The Receptionist will ask you a couple of questions to find out the nature of your call and they may suggest another service that would be better for you to attend.
Here are the services they may suggest you try:
Self-Care Pharmacy
A lot of conditions can be treated by Community Pharmacies. As part of a National campaign GP practices are encouraged to no longer prescribe Paracetamol (in some cases) antihistamines and other over the counter medication.
If you are pregnant you will be referred directly to the community midwife, there is no need to see a GP first.
Stop Smoking
There are stop smoking groups all across Rotherham that have really good success rates. The GP practice cannot prescribe you stop smoking medication but the stop smoking service can.
IAPT (Improving Access To Psychological Therapies)
IAPT have a team of Counsellors and Therapists trained to help you with some common mental health issues. You don't need to be referred by a Doctor, the receptionist will be able to give you the details about how you access this service.
If you are in need of referral to a Physiotherapist due to aches pains etc for exercise advice, a receptionist can signpost you straight to a physiotherapist rather than wait to see the GP for a referral. Please note if you have already seen a GP regarding a referral you will not be able to be signposted straight to a Physiotherapist.